
Shop in Edinburgh - Urban outfitter

urban outfitter一直都係我想去的鋪頭...點解? 因為佢唔ship香港lor...但係點解要寫愛丁堡果間唔寫倫敦果間 ? 因為本來plan左要去oxford street睇佢...點知在愛丁堡hea已經搵到佢...先行為快...呢間人少d, 印象仲好過london果間... 其實佢都係賣果d野...fred perry呀, grenson呀, oliver spencer呀, ymc呀, apc呀果d...而家仲貴d, 但人家d display又真係整得幾好...唔買都睇多兩眼 ~

2 則留言:

匿名 說...

hi, just wanna say that Urban Outfitter does ship stuff to hong kong! i just ordered stuff from them :)
btw, nice blog! keep it up!

匿名 說...

Really? Thx for the info. I bought sth last yr and they just ship to uk and us. let me try their online shop again later