Recently i am very into buying hair products. As my hair is like a real shit : / big mess. For your information, my hair is thin, curly and frizzy The main problem is the frizz. Here r the products that i tried in the past.
I am using these products now from bumble and bumble. US brand .Not Organic ( you can buy in JOYCE beauty ard HK$190 each). Not bad at all. I hope it will make my hair shine but it does not take care my frizzy hair.
This is a french brand which produces organic skincare and hair products. Well it reli doesn't work well with my hair. Not smooth, not shine.
Aesop. I am so regret to try this as it makes my hair worse than be4. It gives me softer hair but at the same time with the undesirable volume. It doesn't mean that it is not a good product. But it is not suitable for me.
I will keep trying the new products as i still cant get my perfect shampoo and conditioner. : / Any good suggestions?